Binary To Decimal Converter


How to convert a binary number to a decimal number?

Converting a binary number to a decimal number involves multiplying each binary digit by the corresponding power of 2 and summing up the results, to more precise we need to Digit * 2 digit position. See the example below how position is calculated:

Binary Number: 1 0 1 1 . 1 0
Position of Digit: 3 2 1 0 . -1 -2
Digit * power of 2: 1*23 0*22 1*21 1*20 . 1*2−1 0*2−2

Imagin a number is: dn-1 .... d4 d3 d3 d2 d1 d0

The decimal number is equal to the sum of binary digits (dn) times their power of 2 (2n), which is the base of binary number system:

decimal = dn-1 x 2n-1 + .... + d1 x 21 + d0 x 20 + d-1 x 2-1 + .... + d-n x 2-n

Binary to decimal conversion

An example of binary to decimal conversion.

(1011.10)2 = (?)10 or make a conversion binary to decimal.

binary number: 1 0 1 1 . 1 0
power of 2: 23 22 21 20 . 2−1 2−2


= 1 x 23 + 0 x 22 + 1 x 21 + 1 x 20 + 1 x 2-1 + 0 x 2-2

= 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 + .5 + 0

= (11.5)10

Binary to decimal conversion table

Binary Decimal
0 0
1 1
10 2
11 3
100 4
101 5
110 6
111 7
1000 8
1001 9
1010 10
1011 11
1100 12
1101 13
1110 14
1111 15
10000 16
10001 17
10010 18
10011 19
10100 20